-next Student Rules & Guideline


  1. Should I register even if I am not sure I can attend all the classes?
    A: Yes, all courses in 2020 require registration. We do not accept walk-in participants.
    答: 需要,2020年所有漢學院的課程都需要報名,我們暫時不接受臨時來聽課的大眾。

  2. How much is the fee?
    A: Please refer to the course details for the fees and other information.
    答: 有關費用及其他課程信息,請參考您有興趣的那門課程之簡章。

  3. What your age requirement for this course?
    A: Please refer to the course details for the age requirements and other information.
    答: 有關年齡及其他課程信息,請參考您有興趣的的那門課程之簡章。

  4. Where is the venue for classes?


    A: Classes will be conducted at Malaysian Han Studies, No. 1, Jalan Tun Hamzah, Mukim Bukit Katil, Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450 Melaka. Location sharing is provided in our webpage and individual course details.

    答: 我們中心【馬來西亞漢學院】位於No.1, Jalan Tun Hamzah, Mukim Bukit Katil, Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450 Melaka。官網及每個課程簡章都可以查尋到我們的地址。

  5. What is the deadline for registration?
    A: All courses are e-registered. The deadline for each course can be found in the course details.
    答: 馬來西亞漢學院所有課程採取網絡電子報名,在課程簡章中可查尋到課程截止日期。

  6. Can I register after the deadline?
    Sorry, late registrations are not accepted.
    答: 非常抱歉,課程截止日期之後,我們不再開放報名。

  7. How do I know that I have been successful in my registration?
    A: An email notification will be sent to you one week after the deadline.
    答: 我們會在報名截止日期之後的一周發電郵通知您。

  8. What if I don’t receive your email notification?


    A: Sometimes our email messages are misdirected to the spam box. Please check. If you still don’t receive a response from us, please call our centre for more information.

    答: 有時候我們的郵件會被誤發到垃圾郵箱,請您先檢查垃圾郵箱。若您仍沒有收到電郵通知,請打電話聯繫我們的中心詢問詳情。

  9. If I am rejected, will I be on the waiting list for any last-minute cancellation by other participants?


    A: Sorry, for 2020 courses, we don’t replace last-minute cancellations.

    答: 非常抱歉,在2020年,如果有人臨時退出課程,我們暫時沒有進行替補。

  10. Do you provide accommodation for participants from other states or countries?
    A: Please refer to the course details for accommodation and other information.
    答: 有關住宿及其他課程信息,請參考您有興趣的那門課程之簡章。

  11. Do you provide transportation for participants from other states or countries?


    A: Unfortunately, we don’t provide any transportation.

    答: 非常抱歉,我們沒有提供交通接送。


  1. 如何報名課程?

    How do I register for a course?


    For those who are interested in attending the course, please click below to register.





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